Major League Baseball Pitch Hit & Run (PHR) presented by RCX Sports is a FREE one-day event for girl softball players. We are excited to host this local competition, open to all registered players FREE of charge.
Major League Baseball Pitch, Hit & Run (PHR) presented by RCX Sports is a FREE, one-day event for girls ages 7-14 * (see more info under Age Groups). This skills competition provides girls the opportunity to showcase their pitching, hitting & running abilities. PHR is intended to encourage youth participation and showcase the top youth talent in softball. Saddle Brook Girls Softball is proud to host this local competition, which is open to all registered players FREE of charge.
PHR participants are eligible to advance through three levels of competition - Local, Team Championship, and Finals. The respective winners of our Local competition may be eligible for the Team Championship in our area. Team Championships consist of top local champions and may be held at a MLB ballpark. The nation's top champions will compete at the Finals during the 2024 MLB World Series.
There are 4 age divisions and the Champion of each age division is determined by adding the cumulative score of participants' pitch, hit and run scores in each division age group. The local Champion does not automatically advance to the Team Championship. All qualifiers will be notified by PHR as to their advancement.
Each participant will compete in your appropriate age group (grade level) regardless of which team you play for. Participation in this local competition does not disqualify you from participating in another local competition. Participants must be registered players of Saddle Brook Recreation Softball for the 2025 Season from Grades 1-9.
The official PHR competetion is based on age. However, to avoid any confusion we will be holding our competetion based on Grade Level. Players will compete in one of four levels (Grades 1/2, Grades 3/4, Grades 5/6, Grades 7/8/9). Player's scores are recorded and the cumulative highest score for each level is recognized as a "local champion". Participation is voluntary.
We will start promptly and cannot wait for late arrivals. Winners will be determined & there will be 4 winners announced (Grades 1/2, Grades 3/4, Grades 5/6, Grades 7/8/9).
All participants must have their parent or guardian REGISTER ONLINE before the competition. There is NO in-person, on-site, or paper registration allowed. All participants must be pre-registered. Participants must be registered players of Saddle Brook Recreation Girls Sotfball for the 2025 Season. This event is not open to Players in Grades PK-K Players in Grades 1-9 must register in order to participate
Registration closes Friday May 30. Any Player who does not pre-register may not participate. There is no in-person, on-site, day-of, or paper registration allowed and no exceptions can be made.